Secret Kings Page 3
1. You are sitting with your friends around a campfire. You watch the wood pop and crackle spraying read embers upward with a plume of smoke. In between the smoke and sparks, you have a vision. You have a dream within a dream.
Your individual expression is taking form. There is a strengthening of your position. You are happy with the person you are becoming. You are forming new allies who can help advance you to a new level.
2. In the distance, you see barrel cactus and miles of desert. Next, you are on a road headed toward a canyon. The weather changes and the clouds take the shapes of horses and thunderbirds and other totems. You experience the sunshine of summer first, then the first frost of autumn. You watch the winter ice melt and see the spring flowers.
Freedom and movement are the focus of this vision. There is contact from the unseen world. There is a flow of love and healing from the universe directed at you. The quick change of seasons indicates that events are occurring at an accelerated pace.
3. You were asked to attend a meeting where you work. There, you were told that the 10 most senior persons would receive special benefits. You were then told that you were the 11th most senior person. You did not handle the news well.
You are having some serious concerns about your vocation. You are concerned that you are not meeting a standard or measuring up to some arbitrary mark.
The card has associations with the Gemini Twins. This is the card of multiple belief systems.
* If either the 3 ♣ THREE OF CLUBS or the Q ♦ QUEEN OF DIAMONDS appears with this card, there are likely conflicts within the family.
1. You may be in the process of struggling for freedom. It may seem as if you are paddling upstream. This does not mean that you are losing the battle, but that it will require some work.
It may not be the most comfortable situation. A conflict with another person is taking some of your thought. Other cards in the reading may indicate a conflict between the heart and mind.
2. You are developing your own psychic abilities right now, though at times your talent is working with a hit and miss effectiveness.
You may have to depend on others right now, as you may feel as though you do not have many choices. You confront the issue. You know what you have to do.
3. Attention will be focused on those issues or things, which you most resist. Western regions become a topic in conversation. You should be feeling more confident now than a month ago. The card recommends that you engage in your hobbies.
This is a good time for attending auctions and estate sales. One of your friends may be buying or selling a musical instrument. Numbers 21 and 22 are strong at this time.
1. A jar of tiny beads spills on the floor. The thought of cleaning this up feels like an impossible task. You hear footsteps. Then you observe a piece of jewelry fall into the trash. When you peer into the garbage, you see a speck of gold in a pile of coffee grounds.
You are experiencing a loss of identity. Several parts of your life are out of place. Your energy is scattered and you may be having difficulty staying focused. Your own powers may be holding you back.
2. You looked through the long wooden tube of a kaleidoscope. Your curiosity and excitement swirled with the changing colors. By accident, you dropped the toy. You observe pieces of glass and stones spill out. You experience disappointment as you examine the inner workings of the toy.
Your curiosity will be satisfied with a simple explanation. You are being exposed to another side of life. You may see things that are not pretty, but things that are necessary for you to see.
3. This dream is about being chased. You run for dear life from a mountain lion, crashing through the bushes and trees exhausting yourself. The lion is just feet behind you. You wake up before any damage or danger, but not without experiencing some good old-fashioned terror.
A struggle is in progress. Your physical essence is not harmonious with your emotional or mental reality. Keep a check on diet and sleep. You may be in the process of trying to break an old habit.
This card always indicates major events on the horizon.
*If the A♣ ACE OF CLUBS is also in the reading, then a major event just occurred. You may be recovering from a serious loss or injury.
1. Work and relationships may be under stress. This card indicates a busy period of activity and a tendency for you to spread yourself too thin at times.
This is a time when contracts and legal concerns may be discussed. Someone in your close circle may be nearing the end of a work relationship. At this particular time, legal and financial issues are not working in your favor.
2. This card brings a warning that you may be rushing things or that you are not on the right road. If you have strayed from your goals, get back on track and stick to your original plan.
In your dealings with others, it may be best to move slowly.
There is a risk that you bring some of your uneasiness to your relationships.
3. Even if you do not have children of your own, you may find yourself having more contact with children than you are accustomed. In social circles, you may encounter an issue with an individual who is not accepting responsibility.
You may spend time with someone who plays a guitar. A mountain cabin or lake comes up in conversation. The number 7 figures prominently.
1. You stroll along a narrow walkway between fountains and rose bushes. You hear a dove coo. Under the setting sun, you see a burning bush. As you gaze at the flames, you are visited by an angel who says “Get on with it.”
This dream is concerned with a pressing issue. The angel is your conscience. You are dissatisfied with your own shortcomings or your ability to accomplish more. Yet, you have probably already accomplished much more than anyone else ever could. Nonetheless, do what the angel said!
2. You are a youngster playing near a swamp. Your friend takes a bad step and lands in quicksand. You step closer to lend a hand. You use a stick to help your friend, but before you can maneuver it, he has sunken quickly. You look down and realize that you are on the edge of the quicksand.
A partner or family member may be pushing too hard. Someone is creating a sense of urgency. You are in unfamiliar territory and may be faced with difficult if not scary choices. You may be on the verge of finding yourself in a new situation or new environment. Watch where you walk.
3. A helicopter circles over a wide are above you. You are hiding under a tree from the search light. You dash from tree to tree, alongside the house.
This dream emphasizes accountability for your actions. Play by the rules or you may be thrown by a system that is bucking you.
The theme of this card is responsibility, or an ability to respond effectively.
If the 5 ♦ FIVE OF DIAMONDS also appears, an impressive psychic event is already underway.
1. A major event has occurred. This card indicates that the universe is testing your ability to respond. The issue is not what has happened, but how you will react.
Many things are happening around you. One friend may be having automobile issues while another friend deals with a loss. You may be needed to provide encouragement to others. At the same time, it may seem that others many not be as encouraging.
2. You may be especially vulnerable to impatience or irritability during the next couple of days. An emotional outburst is not going to accomplish anything. The message here is that sometimes it is better to reevaluate the situation. Avoid calling attention to yourself at this time.
You should also consider postponing or delaying major purchases.
3. In the next few days, someone may give you an enviable opportunity. So keep your eyes open for what you could not see before.
There are fun and interesting people that want to spend tim
e with you. In all situations, things are improving. Travel by rail is favored. Conditions may be more favorable for finances a month from now.
1. Several reporters came to your home, opened your door, and started taking pictures. You got up and broke the camera. A woman said, “You will be sorry,” and left. You looked at her license plate but the numbers kept changing. You were unable to keep any of the information straight, including the car color make and model.
An intimidator will test your emotions. Or it will be necessary for you to stand up to a very aggressive individual. It is important that your response be friendly but firm. You do not have to break your opponent’s weapon to disarm him. Try to stay calm.
2. You are standing on the roof of a 10-story building. You look down at the business activity in the city streets below. Then, you look up at the taller buildings around you. Suddenly, you feel the building shake and sway and someone shouts, “Earthquake!”
A major event has occurred. It may be your relationships that are on the shaky ground. You have been soaring very high emotionally. How will you react now?
3. You watch as a tall tree in an open field is struck by lightning. The blue bolt of electrical current drains to the ground and you see the smoke stream from the tree stump. Then you hear the thunder and feel the ground shake.
This dream represents having a narrow escape. It is concerned with issues of protection and safety. You are out of danger, but near enough to get a good scare.
This is the card of curiosity. This card is concerned with research, investigation, and learning. This card is also concerned with logic and reasoning.
1. You spend many hours engaged in your work or hobbies. Sometimes you have been close to the point of exhaustion. It may be difficult for you to get excited about anything right now. What will it take to spark your interest?
Friends seem to have their own agenda and it may be challenging to make meaningful connections right now.
If the 3 ♣ THREE OF CLUBS card appears near this card, you are facing a deadline or time is working against you.
2. Receiving this card puts you on notice to listen and gather more information. You are strengthening your foundation now and acquiring vital information.
At this time, there is also an emphasis on cooperation and joint efforts.
Set goals, make plans and practice your craft. There is also a call for patience. The universe is operating on its own timetable. This is also a good time to tap into the collective conscious.
3. Any experimentation with hobbies, art and work could produce a valuable discovery. Photography and visual arts are especially favored right now. You may meet a new friend connected to the insurance industry. This is a good time to set challenging goals. Any changes that occur in the workplace will represent changes in responsibilities.
1. You are standing along the rocky edge of the ocean shore. You watch as a small house floats by on a barge. You notice carvings on the door and a stained glass window that indicates the house is very old. The house floats by without any means of steering or propulsion.
You may be concerned that you will not be able to attain what you need, or you are dealing with a feeling that life is unfair. You are aware that others have abandoned the very things you need. At this time, the behavior of others may not appear to make good sense.
2. At a large art and science museum, you see Egyptian hieroglyphics, Indian relics, and models of natural history. You stop on the bench to reflect and study a display that shows a timeline for the evolution of man.
You are being given the big picture. Solutions are found through history. You are receiving privileged information, which will help you bring all the little pieces together.
3. You arrive at the horse track in the evening. You leave the ticket counter with a $10 bet. You watch the race and your horse is the first one out of the gate. He leads until the final turn, and then falls behind, to finish last. Though you only stayed for a few minutes, when you leave, it is the middle of the afternoon.
Your internal cycles and schedule may be trying to reset itself. This dream emphasizes developing your own sense of inner timing. There is also a fear that your efforts will fall short or that you may miss an important appointment. Avoid unnecessary risk.
This card is concerned with authority, justice, teaching, leadership, and legislation. The card governs establishing authority, and living under it.
1. You are a master teacher. You have a skill set and a vibration of the highest level. You have much to share with others.
You are concerned about the chain of command or the judgements of others. You should not be unnecessarily concerned about issues at work or in relationships. You came with a question, yet you already know the answer.
2. Here, the card suggests an opportunity to explore. You may not want to be reminded, but the answer may come from prayer or meditation. Find your own answers and look within.
While there are definitely external events that have contributed to your present situation, there is considerable internal evaluation. The time spent in exploration will produce a positive adjustment to your outlook.
3. Others may call upon your wisdom. You may be in the role of teacher or have increased contact with role models or mentors.
Your future is guided by your education. There is no doubt that you have taken on a great responsibility. Others may be looking toward you for leadership and guidance.
1. You visit a classroom. You are seated at a wooden desk in the very back of the dark room where can see only half of the room. A spotlight is shining on the teacher’s desk. It looks like the teacher is on a stage. You listen, but you cannot understand.
The information you need is available, but may not be in a form that is easily understood. Normally, the cards advise exploration. However, at this time, it is not necessary or advisable to go beyond where you have been.
2. As a passenger in a car, you cross a bridge. As you ascend to the top, everything is in slow motion. On the other side of the bridge, traffic is at a standstill in front of tall buildings. The sidewalks have been replaced with orange barricades creating a maze of obstacles.
This card marks a period of reassessment. The decisions of others are affecting some aspects of your daily affairs. Expect an authority figure, or an organization to be a source of frustration. A friend wonders if you are dealing with issues from a past life.
3. You are seated in a courtroom. You see the judge and jury. Everything is in black and white, but there is no sound. The man behind you reads a newspaper. The headlines read, “Verdict Surprises All.”
You want the truth to be black and white. Welcome to the many shades of gray. There are parts of the puzzle that cannot be understood. Trying to explain things or make sense of it all is impossible with mismatched pieces.
Choosing this card emphasizes the importance of making the most of a situation. This is especially important even if it means you are being deprived of something.
1. It may feel as though you have been climbing up the mountain or coming out of the desert. You have been on an adventure. This is the card of the survivor. Anybody who thought you would give up will be in for a surprise.
It also indicates that you may be holding the key that someone else is looking for. This card emphasizes a promise or commitment. Other cards in the reading can identify the source, which is often with the self.
2. Perhaps this time can be viewed as an opportunity to reduce dependency on something, someone or some activity. It is certainly an opportunity to gain a new set of experiences.
Selecting this card also indicates that you will be getting a second wind! There is no point in abandoning your goal now. Consultation with others is not require
d. Have complete faith in yourself and your beliefs.
3. There is a successful outcome for a project or an investment. You can also expect to be more involved with building materials, repairs and household projects.
This is also a favorable time to launch new business endeavors. Gold and silver become a topic in conversation. Travel to a snowy location is possible. The numbers 8 and 4 are strong now.
1. Along the edge of the darkness of your vision, you see the face of a lion. He looks at you with pain in his eyes. You know his pain having seen great suffering yourself. The lion smiles at you. You feel surprise to learn that courage has a smile.